Lister Cartwright

The roller blinds company needed some blindingly good copy for their new site. I was not allowed to use that line.

The brief

Lister Cartwright have been making bespoke window blinds for over 150 years, but their website looked like it was stuck in the past. I was approached by Iff Digital to help create some new web copy that packed as much personality as their designs, showing off all their products in a punchy, colourful new way.

The process

We kicked off by meeting with the Lister Cartwright team. They walked us through their product range, explained their target audience and helped us understand their current pain points. I also ran them through my patented* tone of voice questionnaire, which allowed me to get to grips with their brand characteristics and start shaping their language.

From there I worked with the excellent designer Emily Stancer to understand the flow of the new site, and while she did her thing and made everything look great, I got to work tippety tapping on my keyboard. A short while later I had some brand new website copy in a fresh new tone of voice, making it easy than ever for their customers to buy their products.

*It is not at all patented, but please don’t steal it. This is how I make my living. Do you want me to starve?

The outcome

I got my new blinds from a very talkative local man who I don’t think took a single breath as he was fitting them. I now know more about his life than I do my own. But if you’d prefer to get your blinds without the excessive socialising, you can now find a shiny new site that will meet all your needs. Check it out for yourself.


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